The Apricot Tree has been  designed as a contemporary resort while incorporating elements of traditional Ladakhi architecture, crafts and traditions.  Smart and comfortable furniture, attractive colour co-ordinates are highlighted by photographs of the region by the well-known Czech photographer Jaroslav Poncar. Contemporary art by emerging Ladakhi artists feature in the rooms and around the hotel. The pebbled central courtyard serves as the meeting point for guests to share stories after a day of exploring and hikes, sitting around a campfire with a warm drink under the famed Ladakhi night sky. The simple yet aesthetic rooms feature balconies overlooking the Indus and a short path from the hotel takes you to the banks of the river.

If you’re lucky you will spot ridaks (deer) coming to drink on the opposite bank of the river, or catch a glimpse of a golden oriole who makes her nest in the woods below. Although close to a major highway, the remote location ensures peace and quiet.